I apologize for my poor translation of my pattern, but I hope, that you will understand after all. Please let me know, if anything is to difficult to understand. Kind regards Marianne


My daughter Anna and her friend Filippa has named this shawl "Strandkantsjal", which kan be translated to Beach Edge shawl. I think that it is a a good choise, because it has a look of small rocks, sand and waves.

You will need: 1 skein of Scheepjes Whirl color 766, Mid Morning Mocharoo, crochet hook no. 3,5

Messures: from tip to tip approx. 170 cm, from the lower tip up to the upper edge approx. 68 cm.

Increases at the beginning of a row: crochet 2 DCs ind the first DC. Together with the 3 turningchains it corresponds to 3 DCs (beginning increase).

Increases at the end of a row:3 DCs into the upper chain of the 3 turning chains (final increase)

Increase i the middel: 1 DC, 1 chain, 1 DC (corner) 

Pineapple-stich: YO, insert hook i DC, YO and pull tread through, repeat 4 times more, now you have 11 threads on the hook. YO, and pull tread through all 11 treads.

Every row is ended with 3 chains 

Start with 5 chains and turn them into a ring with 1 slip stich

1. row: Into the ring you make 3 chains, 4 DC, 1 chain, 5 DC, 3 chains, turn

2. row: beginning increase, 4 DC, corner, 4 DC, final increase

3. row: beginning increase, DCs until lower tip, corner, DCs untill the 3 chains from former row, final increase

4. row: like 3. row

5. row: beginning increase, 2 DC, *1 pineappelstich, 5 DC*, repeat ** untill 5 DC before tip, make 1 pineapplestich, 4 DC, corner, 4 DC,*1 pineapplestich, 5 DC*, repeat ** until end of the row, end with final increase. Yoy must have 5 DCs before pineapplestich on both tips

6. row: like 3. row

7. row: like 3. row

8. row: beginning increase, 5 DCs, *1 pineapplestich, 5 DCs* untill 5 stich before lower tip/middle, 1 pineapplestich, 4 DCs, corner, 4 DCs,  *1 pineapplestich, 5 DCs*, final increase. Now you must have 8 DCs before pineappelstich ananasmaskerne on both tips.

Continue this way untill you have made 55 rows. The two final rows are consisting only of DCs, turn with 3 chains.

The ruffle is crocheted as follows:

1. row: beginning increase, 2 DCs in each of the following 2 DCs, in the 3. DC you make 1 DC, 7 chains, in 3. chain closest to hook you make 2 DCs, into every next 4 chains you make 2 DCs, make 1 slip stich into the top of the "host DC", 1 DC  (now named spiral) all stiches into the 3. DC.

Into the next 5 DCs you make 2 DCs. Continue crocheting spirals and 2 DCs into the next 5 DCs for the rest of the row. Into the corner make 2 DCs, 1 chain, 2 DCs. After the corner you make 2 DCs into the first DC, spiral, continue with 2 DCs in next 5 DCs and spirals. End row with a final increase.Turn with 3 chains

2. row: beginning increase, 8 DCs until spiral, push the spiral forward and continue with DCs in every next 12 DC. The first stich after the spiral is a little difficult to get, but it is there. Now you have reached the next spiral, which you push back. Continue like this until the middle, make a corner, continue remaining row, final increase. The reason why the spirals are pushed back and forth alternately is in order to make the front and back equal.Turn with 3 chains.

3. row: beginning increase, DC in every stich, corner, DC in every stich to the end of row, final increase.

Thats it. Enjoy


Maria De Rose

11.11.2020 17:23

Hello, Question: Once I've completed the Pineapple stitch should chain one or immediately after pulling through all 11 loops make a double crochet? How many stitches should I have at the end of Row 5

Seneste kommentarer

14.10 | 09:01

Hej Pernille, tak skal du have. Jeg tror, jeg anvendte nål nr 6. Garnet er coastgarn, og her vil man nok almindeligvis bruge nål 3 - 3 5. Mvh Marianne

05.09 | 05:27

Hej Hanne, bogen hedder Hæklerens uundværlige mønstersamling. Mvh Marianne

14.10 | 08:32

Hej Surecitroner.

MEGA flot tæppe !! hvilket nummer er "kraftig hæklenål" ?

01.09 | 08:30

Hvad er det for en bog "mønsterbogen"?

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